Thursday, August 23, 2012

Skin Lesions/Diseases and Social Security Disability

The Social Security Act recognizes that certain types of skin lesions can form a basis for disability.  Whether or not they are in fact disabling and entitle a person to Social Security Disability (SSD) or (SSI) depends on the symptoms that accompany the disease and the extent of the disease itself.  There are some specific diseases mentioned in the Act but they are not exclusive.  Any skin disorder could potentially form the basis for disability claim particularly if it imposes significant limitations on daily functioning that would interfere with work activity.  The real trick is to not only diagnose the disease and get proper documentation about severity but to translate that severity into useable data for the fact finder to show that the skin disease is sufficiently disabling as to preclude work activity given the person’s age, education and work experience.

Common skin diseases considered include ichthyosis, skin infections, dermatitis, also significant burns.

If you are interested in receiving assistance in your disability claim based on Skin Lesions, please feel free to contact us for a free office or telephone consultation at Drummond Law, LLC